Identify special heritage zones

Identify and provide special heritage zones which protect the character of areas containing historic buildings or places.

Key points to consider:

  • Identify heritage zones which have a particular concentration of heritage elements and provide policies and rules relating to these zones
  • Use policies and rules to regulate the design of new structures to ensure incompatible designs do not detract from the value of nearby heritage
  • Use rules for permitted activities to specify such matters as height, site coverage, design, finish and colour
  • Use controlled activity status to enable discretion to approve or disapprove building design

Example:  Whanganui District Plan

Objective O51: Recognition and conservation of the special historic heritage significant of the Old Town. The Old Town has a great concentration of heritage items and groups of heritage items. However, the cultural heritage significance of the Old Town is more than the individual items and areas that have been registered. The entire Old Town is recognised as a conservation area where special management is required to conserve its great cultural heritage significance.

Policy P172: Recognise the Old Town as a conservation area and ensure the protection of the great historic, cultural, architectural and townscape significance of the Old Town area for future use and development by: … (b) Identifying contributory buildings that support the heritage context of the primary buildings and adopting appropriate and practicable guidelines to ensure that works undertaken on these buildings do not have an adverse effect on the primary heritage item.

Method M332: Identify on District Planning maps the Old Town area.

Method M333: By December 2014 develop urban design guidelines for the Old Town area to assist developers in designing new buildings or in making alterations and additions to existing buildings.

Last updated at 10:46AM on November 27, 2015